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Programe europene și cadre"

EU-CHINA RESEARCH AND INNOVATION PARTNERSHIP (ECRIP): 4 Million Euros to fund mobility of EU Researchers to China

EU-CHINA RESEARCH AND INNOVATION PARTNERSHIP (ECRIP): 4 Million Euros to fund mobility of EU Researchers to China A new major programme of the European Commission to fund specifically mobility of European researchers to China has been launched on 4th of April.The objective of this programme called ‘EU-CHINA RESEARCH AND INNOVATION…

Oferta de parteneriat Romania-China

Dr. Nai-Xing Wang, profesor la Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry din Beijing este interesat sa gaseasca partener din Romania pentru depunerea unui proiect bilateral Romania-China cu tema „Synthesis of Antineoplastic Marine Natural Product Cembranoid Diterpene Derivatives and Research on New Medicine Effect”. Cercetatorii interesati se pot adresa direct dlui…

Program masterat si doctorat, Seul, Coreea de Sud

Institutul Coreean de Stiinta si Tehnologie (KIST) prin Academia Internationala de Cercetare si Dezvoltare  (IRDA) ofera burse de masterat (2 ani) si doctorat (3-4 ani) in sase domenii de activitate. Aplicatiile se pot depune oricand inaintea datei de 30 aprilie sau 31 octombrie. Informatii detailate la Persoana de contact: dl. Youngho Lee, manager, Dept.…

Program post-doc, Seul, Coreea de Sud

Fundatia Coreeana pentru Stiinta si Inginerie (KOSEF) ofera burse post-doc (6-12 luni) pentru cercetatorii romani din domeniile stiinte naturale si inginerie. Informatii detailate la adresa:  Persoana de contact: dl. Jong-Deok Kim, head, Team of International Program, KOSEF, .